Interview Day: C++ Interview Day: Java
Feb 11

Thinking about your users…. kids games

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Curious George Banana 411 Game

My son Sam loves Curious George. Wow he loves that little monkey. This means that he often asks to play the Curious George Games that PBS Kids put together.

I have played these games more often that I have had hot dinners recently, and it quickly shows that although the games are fantastic, they don’t always help the kind of player that I am. The one that has played it so many times.

This shins through in a couple of examples:

Let. me. click.

In many of the games the man in the yellow hat (you know Ted) explains the game, and ends with “click on the green button to start”. During the monologue you can not actually click on the button. You have to wait right until the end. Let me click start immediately!

Saved games or levels

These games always start from the ground floor. If you have gone through Banana 411 from the beginning 3 digit numbers to 7 digit numbers, you have to start from 3 every time. Give an expert user some love, and let them resume their game in some way.

Keyboard shortcuts

Some of the actions allow the keyboard, but most don’t. When I am sitting holding my son, the keyboard is often the easier choice. Let me use it.

Archive the content

Kids fall in love with doing the thing they did before. When you go to a game that they are screaming in your ear, they have an expectation for what the game is going to do. Some of the games give a random few choices which can change each time. Sometimes the content from the past is just gone. This makes live painful when Sam is crying out for “Difference Dogs” and it isn’t an option this week. Archive games so you can always get to that one version your child loved.

I do want to stress that PBS has done a great service to provide these games for free. Sam certainly makes the most of it. It does make me try to remember my “expert” users (or at least frequent visitors).

4 Responses to “Thinking about your users…. kids games”

  1. Karen in Wichita Says:

    There’s a darn good reason for #1, I’ve learned… my son habitually clicks a button as soon as he sees it… and then asks how to play. Now, there’s much to be said for keeping state so it knows you’ve heard the spiel enough (and which would also help #2), but I’m not up-to-date on the restrictions involved in doing that on kid sites (other than recalling when they came out, they were considered absurdly restrictive).

  2. Reach For The Stars Says:

    It is wonderful that the games are provided for free for the kids. My kids love to play these games also. I appreciate your post.

  3. best girls games Says:

    Thanks for this game, its good that and my sister like it, and sorry for my bad english

  4. Wii Blog Says:

    It’s really welcoming kids games are gratis. I watch my kids playing games every evening and it really cheers them up. Games will dokids nothing but good.

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