Nov 23

Moving into our new Set Direction offices on University Ave; Spying on Sencha

Mobile, Set Direction, Tech 2 Comments »

Moving into Set Direction Offices

Today was a big day for us, moving into the new pad on University Avenue, Palo Alto. Not a bad place to be! Major kudos to Spencer Tall of Allegis Capital who are letting us hang with them as we incubate our ideas. It is majorly appreciated, and exciting.

Once we finally settled into our offices (after a trip to the Apple Store, just a block away!) we sat down to look at the view, and we giggled to see that it was this:

Spying on Sencha

We are staring at the front door of Sencha! It feels like we are on a stakeout to see when Abe comes and goes. We took this shot and sent it to Abe just to let him know that we are “in position” ;)

We said “hi” to our Sencha neighbours and man did they seem in good spirits. The very recent SenchaCon was a huge success. It was there that they announced their 1.0 of Sencha Touch, and that it was to be free. This is great news for the mobile Web community at large. The segment is buzzing with jQuery Mobile, Enyo, Sencha Touch, and more.

Congrats to all, and Abe….. looking forward to being your neighbour mate.
