Dec 24

palm-run: package, run, launch and then see log messages

Tech, webOS 4 Comments »

I am having fun taking my Web skillz and applying them to mobile with webOS. It is obviously important that I learn about the platform. I want to understand the limitations, and get a feel for the SDK so I have opinions on where to take it (Fortunately, the community gives us great feedback, keep it coming!).

As I develop applications I quickly see repetitive tasks that fit into my workflow. You can quickly iterate when you are developing your application and when I am testing in either the device or the emulator I find myself repeating the following cycle:


This maps to the command line tools that come with the SDK.


The application packager palm-package prepares an application for installation by converting the files in the application directory to an .ipkg file that can be consumed by the emulator or device.

palm-run takes the given directory to package up, or “.”.


The palm-install tool installs a packaged application on the device or emulator.

palm-run uses the -d option to specific device or emulator. The default is “tcp” which means emulator. Use -d usb to send to the device.


The palm-launch tool launches (or closes) an application on the emulator or device.


palm-log displays log messages from an application on the emulator or USB-connected webOS device. The log output is simpler and easier to read than the output in /var/log/messages, and the timestamp is the local time instead of GMT. You can also use palm-log to display the installed applications, which is useful for getting the ID of the application to log.

So, palm-run is on GitHub. Fork away and share what you do in your cycle.


palm-run [-d DEVICE] [-L] [-o DIRECTORY] [directory]

-d DEVICE: Defaults to installing to the emulator. Use 'usb' for device
-L : By default the palm-log command is run. This suppresses that
-o OUTPUT: By default the ipk is generated to /tmp


palm-run ~/myproject # deploy from /tmp to emulator
palm-run -d usb -L -o /packages ~/myproject
palm-run # use the current directory and all the defaults
Dec 17

Project Ares: An awesome mobile web IDE built on the web

Ajax, Palm, Tech, webOS with tags: No Comments »

I am so excited for the Ares team at Palm today as we launch Project Ares a web based IDE for the mobile web.

The full experience packs a lot into the browser: visual designer, code editor, visual debugger, log viewer, source code integration, drag and drop file upload, built-in app preview, and the ability to run your app directly in the emulator or even the device!

I talked more about the details on Ajaxian and the Ares site has more.

I am so jazzed to see this out there. At Mozilla we saw the Ares team building this great product that uses Bespin right now for the code editor, some of the server side, source control and debugger (the first sighting of Bespin debugger!)

The team has worked incredibly hard since then to build what you see now in public beta form.

This also shows how awesome the web platform it is. Because webOS builds on the web we are able to have features like the “preview” feature that shows you how your app will look without even having to go to the emulator or device.

The performance of the app says a lot too. It is incredibly responsive for me, especially since there are a lot of features packed in there. The layout system is really well thought out too and is a dream when you compare to CSS fun. I can’t wait to see what the community has to say about Ares, and I want to hear features that they would like. After using this, I want to be able to build all kinds of web apps from it ;)

I also want to say thanks to my Bespin team mates and community as well as the new friends I have made at Palm. Matt, Scott, Steve, Frankie…. you guys are awesome and it is amazing to see what you have done in short order!

Dec 16

Chrome Extensions and webOS Applications look quite similar

Tech, webOS with tags: 3 Comments »


“If you squint, Chrome Extensions and webOS applications look similar” — a wise friend

Having now written webOS applications and Chrome Extensions I have been struck by how similar they are, and could be.

It may seem weird to see similarity in a browser extension mechanism and a mobile application runtime, but when you look at it, there is plenty to share at a high level:

Breaking out of the sandbox

Both worlds need to break out of the web browser sandbox. Extensions can’t be restricted to the same limitations and Chrome Extensions have various API that relate to UI elements in the browser, as well as getting access to more.

On webOS we have exactly the same issue. When building native applications on webOS you can’t have the same restrictions and thus new APIs, UI widgets, and services.

This issue goes beyond even these too worlds, and is one of the big challenges for Web runtimes in the near future. I expect my runtime to be able to do a lot more and to get access to my data not just through third party server side services, but locally too. This all brings us to…


The Web needs a permissioning model. The sandbox doesn’t give us enough, and although people quickly talk about security (which is critical) we forget what happens if the user can’t do something through the Web. They often will download an .exe to their local computer and will just run it, not knowing anything about what it does.

A big challenge for us is to come up with a model that doesn’t Do A Vista and drive our users nuts. We have to balance the desire to not ask the user for something all the time, while making sure the user knows what is happening. For power users at least, I favour the idea of showing me what is going on. Even if I grant an application a lot of power, if I could see when and what it was doing it would help. Of course, being able to restrict access to APIs is fantastic, especially when you get to layer social trust on top of the technical security. The Mozilla team talked a lot about just this and I look forward to more of their ideas and implementation.

(You can see an example of how Chrome does permissions with Cross site XHR.)

Application Bundle Info

The permissions and other metadata need to live somewhere. We have a appinfo.json file that has you declare info on your app. Chrome has a manifest.json.

On the Web we don’t really have this. You hit a URL and you bootstrap from there. The HTML5 manifest does tell the browser which files are in scope for caching and the like, but that is about it. Applications and extensions can tell the system much more. You have ids, versions, pointers to update, icons, main launching points or not…

Headless Chickens

You don’t often think of a headless web app. You can think of headless applications and extensions though. How many services are running on your computer now that have no UI? On webOS you can noWindow away and still provide value through the various services that we offer, the obvious being the rich and varied notification styles. Background apps are nicely supported.

Chrome Extensions have the notion of a background page as a way to manage a long lived lifecycle. Your background page is a singleton:

In a typical extension with a background page, the UI — for example, the browser action or page action and any options page — is implemented by dumb views. When the view needs some state, it requests the state from the background page. When the background page notices a state change, the background page tells the views to update.

In webOS and the Mojo framework we have a rich MVC system with a detailed lifecycle as well as the simple ability to define models, views and controllers.

And on

The more I look at these worlds, and others like them (e.g. Jetpack) the more I hope we come together. There are similar needs, and when you look from Chrome Extensions to Chrome OS, you can see a potential progression if done right.

Dec 09

Out of the page and into the runtime; Extensions move the Web development model further

Tech, Web Browsing with tags: No Comments »

The Chrome Extensions team had a press event tonight to go over their extensions beta launch that I unfortunately couldn’t make at the last minute. I wanted to be there to see old friends and the good work they have been doing, and support them.

Aaron, Erik, and the team have done a pretty great job with their extension model. They wanted to allow Web developers to develop extensions. Who better to do that than folks who are a) Web developers and b) have written extensions (e.g. Aaron is an old time JS hacker, author of Greasemonkey, and much more since then [Gears etc]).

Of course, over at Mozilla the same idea had been hatched with Jetpack and other equally talented folk are working on that (Aza and Atul and more).

Some of our best Web engineers are on the case, which is great.

Before these new age extension models the world of extensions was tough. On IE you would be mainly a C++ hacker to do anything. Mozilla really raised the bar with its original Add-Ons but even though you could do a lot in JavaScript, there was still a lot of XPCOM and a huge API set since you basically were given the entire Mozilla platform to work with. This was great from a “you can do whatever the crap you want to do” perspective, but it was awfully hard to dive in and get productive.

Thus, most Web developers stayed inside the browser window. We develop applications in our area, and others do the extension thing.

That has changed and we are now breaking out of the browser sandbox in many ways. This is one of them. When we think about delivering experiences to our users we can think of out of the window. What would our users like to be able to do when not on our web site? How can we package our value adds in a way that they can do their thing at any point? How do we interact with the runtime? What can we do if we have more permissions to do interesting things?

We have only just seen the beginning with Jetpack and Chrome Extensions. They are many more APIs to write and for us to then consume. I personally think that Chrome is too restrictive on what you can do in the browser chrome for example. I would love to play around and have my browser morph in interesting ways. If I am on a particular site, new features and functionality could appear if I want them too.

It feels like we are touching the surface on what the Web platform and runtime is versus what a “browser” is as we have envisioned it until now.

2010 will be an exciting year for Web developers as they add extensions to their toolbox in a nice clean way.

Dec 01

Gears has been “dead” for a long time, it’s OK, but a shame

Gears, Google, Tech 3 Comments »

I spent a lot of time advocating Gears. I loved the engineers (folks like Aaron Boodman who is doing great stuff with Chrome Extensions, and Chris Prince who now works on the fantastic Google Voice, and many many more…. many of whom are working on Chrome in some fashion).

Today the press is picking up the fact that Gears is dead, even though Google moved its efforts awhile ago (keeping life support turned on) and Linus talks about the focus on HTML5 and Chrome:

“We’re very focused on moving HTML 5 forward, and that’s where we’re putting all of our energy,” Upson said. “When we started the Gears project, three years ago, maybe three and a half years ago now, we did it because we couldn’t get the browser vendors interested in building offline applications. And so, so we said, okay, we’ll build a plugin that could do it. And lo and behold, once we shipped Gears, suddenly the browser vendors got very interested in adding capabilities to build offline applications.

“And so, I think Gears has accomplished its mission very well, in getting these capabilities into HTML 5,” Upson added. “In fact, the team that designed Gears was also instrumental in designing the HTML 5 versions of those APIs. You can almost think of what’s in HTML 5, with app cache, and database, and those things, as essentially Gears 2, and that’s how we view it.”

Many people are happy to wave good bye to Gears and look to the future of HTML5. I feel that too, but I do have a pang of “what coulda been”. The Gears team was incredibly pragmatic. How can we get Gmail Offline? What about other Google properties? This practical experience delivered Gears and the push for support of real APIs that developers need to deliver compelling experiences through the Web platform.

Although it is true that Google can push the cause through their own browser, their properties still need to deal with other browsers. ChromeFrame is one answer there, the new “Google Plugin”. The browser vendors are kicking into gear nicely now. Mozilla, Google, Apple, Opera, and even IE teams are working hard on new features and HTML5 support. When Gears started we (the Web developers) were in the dark ages of browser development. The IE team had moved on to WPF and Silverlight. The other browsers were fighting the fight against a huge IE6 dominant entry with lots of ActiveX keeping it in style.

Does this mean there isn’t a place for a Gears like solution? Yahoo! has BrowserPlus which has the additional benefit of allowing developers to write services. This was one of the issues with Gears. You got APIs that Google gave you. You had no way to extend the experience. Browser Plus allows that and I hope that Lloyd and team have a good 2010.

There is also JetPack (and Chrome Extensions) that allow you to extend the experience in a different way. If I had my way, Gears and Y!BP and JetPack would all have joined forces. That world would then look like:

  • Gears/Y!BP allow functionality to work cross browser and offer a services framework to allow you to write new components that also work cross browser. This is fairly low level work, with some nice sugar for certain APIs.
  • JetPack would give you access to low level APIs in a nice high level JavaScript API. Since it would run in Gears/Y!BP it would run cross browser too.

My wish for Santa? Have JetPack and Y!BP pickup and work together. Give developers a platform to create new services on the Web and have them work cross browser. We shouldn’t have to wait for browser vendors to implement APIs. We should be allowed to experiment more. Gears started its job with the zipper running higher, but there is always more room to run. If we worked out a way to get more people playing with the platform we could get so much more done. We saw what came out of “how could we do Gmail Offline” what about your application needs?

I will raise a glass to Gears and the new HTML5 overlord, but I will miss the vehicle for cross browser experimentation and what coulda been.
