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Oct 09

Silverlight is to RIA as Giuliani is to the Republican party?

Adobe, Microsoft, Tech Add comments

I was speaking to a friend, who is an open Web kinda guy, and we had a giggle when we looked over at the Adobe and Microsoft Silverlight booths and he said “maybe Flash and Silverlight will split the Republican vote”.

Now, the idea of splitting the Republican vote is one I like to think about, but I hadn’t thought about it with the RIA context. By adding Silverlight as a platform we will see more flash rectangular boxes right? Maybe, maybe not.

Will the fight for good RIA people have some move from Adobe to Microsoft? Or will the entire pie grow by a large amount?

In the fight itself, will Silverlight win as it is a “new” look. This is where the Giuliani comparison really fails. Adobe has actually done a really good job. It can’t be linked to George Bush (who hasn’t). But maybe the social conservatives who don’t like Rudy because of his views on abortion, or the odd picture of him in a dress, can be linked to certain Adobe fans?

Watching the huge booths of both Adobe and Microsoft one thing is for sure, the primaries are here, and the general election is coming.

The Open Web needs to be ready.

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