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Oct 09

Dynamic Feed Control with the Ajax Feed API

Ajax, Google Add comments

The Ajax API team has taken the Ajax Feed API and created a simple Dynamic Feed Control that lets you input some feeds, and you get a nice control in a few styles (vertical, vertical stacked, and horizontal).

The Ajax APIs often show the pattern of giving you a very low level API, a simple control and then finally a wizard to generate all of the code for you.

The wizard also uses the new feed discovery mechanism itself, and here it is in action:

2 Responses to “Dynamic Feed Control with the Ajax Feed API”

  1. Vidal Says:

    Hi, I’ve just finished my new vertical job search engine JobGeni that runs on Google AJAX Feed API. It’s pulls the data from several major jobsites like indeed, simplyhired, yahoo hotjobs, monster and jobster.

  2. Marty Says:

    The issue I can’t get around is that the ajax feed api has a cache that I can’t control. So for timely updates, it doesn’t reflect the changes.

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