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Oct 09

Managing calendars is still driving me nuts

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We have great calendar clients such as GCal, iCal, 30boxes, etc etc, and we have simple standards such as ics, and hcal but I still have a nightmare with calendars.

The problem is that I need to contort my calendar data in a bunch of use cases:

  • I want to be able to read my calendar from all of my devices
  • I want my wife to be able to read non-work events
  • My trip to London last week for FOWA…. that was work, but my wife still wants to know I am flying to London and when!
  • I have people at work looking at my calendar trying to schedule time
  • I have grouped calendars. For example, my team shares a calendar that holds the conferences that are going / we are at
  • I want Dopplr to read my trips from my calendar (so it needs to know what a trip is.

The problem is that I constantly run into issues. My main hard rule is:

I never want to entry a calendar event more than once!

This causes problems. People at work only see my main calendar, so if I have something in my “Trips” calendar they don’t see it, and schedule time that I can’t make. Often my wife doesn’t see items that she should be able to see because they are on the wrong calendar.

I think I could be happy if I just had the feature to add an event to MULTIPLE calendars at once. With that alone, I selectively choose the ACL model based on the calendar. I need this feature now :)

2 Responses to “Managing calendars is still driving me nuts”

  1. Scott Morgan Says:

    “Often my wife doesn’t see items that she should be able to see because they are on the wrong calendar.” Do tell Dion!!

  2. dion Says:


    Haha, when I am in LA next, we should go for a beer at your local pub to talk about these things ;)



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