Lisa Awards: Lifetime Achievement Pair Programming Productivity
Mar 03

xssinterface and Google Gears

Gears, JavaScript, Tech with tags: Add comments

I mentioned the cross domain library, xssinterface, created by Malte Ubl on Ajaxian the other day.

His library abstracts on top of postMessage() and browser hacks to give you cross domain work. No sooner than I say “It would be nice if the library used cross domain workers if Gears is installed.” than Melde comments “Thanks for the hint to google gears. It is now implemented in trunk :)”. How about that for service!

Below is his first version that uses cross domain workerpools and the database to keep a message queue going. Very nice!

var wp       = google.gears.workerPool;
wp.onmessage = function(a, b, message) {  
  var origin = new String(message.origin);
  var parts  = origin.split("/");
  var domain = parts[2];
  parts      = domain.split(":"); // remove port
  domain     = parts[0];
  var recipient = domain;
  var channelId = message.text;
  var db = google.gears.factory.create('beta.database');'database-xssinterface');
  db.execute('create table if not exists XSSMessageQueue' +
     ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, recipient_domain TEXT, channel_id TEXT, message TEXT, insert_time INTEGER)');
  // delete (and thus ignore) old messages
  var maxAge = new Date().getTime() - 2000;
  db.execute('delete from XSSMessageQueue where insert_time < ?',[maxAge]);
  // find new messages for me
  var rs = db.execute('select id, message from XSSMessageQueue where recipient_domain = ? and channel_id = ?', [recipient, channelId]);
  // there is a new message for the recipient
  if (rs.isValidRow()) {
          var id   = rs.field(0);
          var text = rs.field(1);
          db.execute("DELETE from XSSMessageQueue where id=?", [id]); // unqueue message
          wp.sendMessage(text, message.sender)

One Response to “xssinterface and Google Gears”

  1. Mark Holton Says:

    that’s pretty kick ass… very cool

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