The development circle of life 2008: Year of Server Side JavaScript?
Jan 22

Visualizing the business importance, and slow moving development, of the Web

Gears, Tech, Web Browsing, Web Frameworks Add comments

Brad was speaking on a panel at a recent conference and asked a couple of questions, and the answers visually said it all:

Raise your hand if your business relies on the Web in some way:

Group with raised hands

Raise your hand if you think that the Web is moving fast enough as a development platform:

Group without raised hands

2 Responses to “Visualizing the business importance, and slow moving development, of the Web”

  1. Tetsuo Says:

    … and then, everybody suddenly turned into japanese people! :)

  2. Brad Neuberg Says:

    LOL. The wierd thing is _that is exactly what happened_. I swear.


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