Can I wake up yet? The New Map
Nov 04

Two Americas

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I realised why I woke up with such a hollow feeling. It is because I woke up in the wrong America.

Whatever religious believes you may have, one belief that I DO have, is in humanity. I thought that people would stand up and say:

“We don’t want a leader whose mistake has killed 100+ innocent Iraqi’s”

“We don’t want a leader who doesn’t listen to facts”

“We don’t want a leader who lies so easily”

“We don’t want a leader who doesn’t speak or listen to the people”

“We don’t want a leader who keeps giving tax cuts to the wealthy”

I wanted to wake up in that America. I wanted to be proud of living in that America.

America is such a great country in so many ways, but so backwards in others. It has always felt like a young pup, with boundless energy. However, this time the pup didn’t do the right thing.

Now I am embarrassed to be here. I got emails from friends around the world asking “How could you vote him in!”, and “It was bad enough last time, but this time you knew what he was really like!”. I can’t argue with him.

Some have said that I am not open minded to the republican side. That is totally untrue. If this was John McCain, I could get behind him. Heck, I could get behind a lot of republicans. There is a case for small government / fiscal conservatism. But, this guy isn’t a republican in that vein.

This campaign was won on lies. The PIPPA report shows that Bush supporters STILL think that Iraq was in charge of 9/11, and that they have WMD. Still. Today. That is what they have had fed to them.

The people that I know that truly think about the issues, do past FOX NEWS to find out what is going on, are pained at the moment. The people that I know that don’t care, are fine with it.

America has delt with bad presidents in the past though, and I am sure that people will come through. It is sad that the issues that mattered were “moral issues”.

How would you feel if you were gay, or had a family member who was gay, and you woke up to 11 states voting against your way of life. Disgusting. We should be discussing policy on the economy, healthcare, and what about the ENVIRONMENT. But no.

This will be my last post on these issues for awhile. I need a break. But to end on the scariest note of all:

“With a bigger majority, we can do even more exciting things,” said House Majority leader Tom DeLay, a Republican from Texas.

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