Kerry Rally in Madison Two Americas
Nov 03

Can I wake up yet?

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I can’t believe it. I can’t believe that people would vote for this evil regime again.

In 2000, people were voting for someone who seemed like an idiot, but “probably not that harmful”.

In 2004, we know that everything they touch turns to merde.

Yesterday I was out helping the Kerry campaign, and was feeling so good as EVERYONE was out ther voting for him. All the corners had Kerry supporters.

However, my world is distorted based on where I live. I would love to create a new country which consists of the west coast, mid west, and north-east.

I don’t know if I can take 4 more years.

3 Responses to “Can I wake up yet?”

  1. Jason Says:

    I suddenly feel an uncontrollable urge to rent Dr. Strangelove.

    I can just see Bush now in the Oval Office. “Mandrake, have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation? Fluoridation of water?”

  2. Anonymous Says:

    You seem to imply that there is no good reason anyone would vote for Bush, that they must just all be stupid. That’s very narrow minded. I’m a republican that voted for John Kerry because after waying many concerns, I believe he would be a better president. However, I can certainly understand that other intelligent, well-informed people can come to a different conclusion. It’s the narrow-minded attitude like yours and inability to see another point of view (from both republicans and democrats) that prevents the country from making real progress on a lot of fronts.

  3. Cameron Says:

    Dion, you do what you can. That’s what participatory democracy is all about. The rest comes out in the wash. Somehow, western civilization has persisted despite its best efforts .. and this will be no different. Peace.

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