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Aug 28

The “Keep someone you don’t like in your phone contacts” Pattern

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I have found that a lot of people are using a new cell phone pattern:

Keep someone you don’t like in your phone contacts

This came up when I was with friends, and one of our phones rang. My friend answered, had a conversation which he really wanted to end (it was obvious), and then afterwards quickly put that persons phone number into his contact list.

Another friend wondered why he would put his arch nemesis into his cell phone.

I knew immediately. From now on, this person is going to show up on caller ID, and my friend can safely ignore it!

As I have talked to more people, they often follow this rule. Some variations even include actively getting the persons number from their or via a between friend, allowing you to never even get that first call!

111 Responses to “The “Keep someone you don’t like in your phone contacts” Pattern”

  1. Brandon Martus Says:

    I have so many #’s in my phone for this very reason.

    Luckily, my phone has Categories. I put them in a ‘Hide’ category so I can hide them when browsing my address book and not accidentally call them.

  2. Dave Says:

    Um, why not ignore calls from unfamiliar numbers?

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    Hey Dion, can I get your phone number? :)

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