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Aug 29

Hurrican Katrina from Space

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177 Responses to “Hurrican Katrina from Space”

  1. Nick Christy Says:

    Wow is right. That is about the only thing that I could get out after looking at that picture. Wow!

  2. Chris Fleury Says:

    Who said we dont need the Kyoto agreement…? A rethink maybe?

  3. saint Says:

    word up that shit is crazy

  4. saint Says:

    word up that shit is crazy

  5. violet Says:

    whats happening to those people in the wake of katrina is a damn shame. a nation that can send people to the moon will wait 5 days to send organized assistance to those who are hungry, thristy, dirty, sick, and dis-hearted. that tells me that we as people need to re-evaluate our priorities.

  6. suzie Says:

    holy crap that is insane. I think people need to re-evaluate how they do things cause mother nature has had enough of us bad mouthing and abusing her.

  7. Saudi Glenn Says:

    I think our late response and lack of commpasion from the people with power makes us look vulnerable and stupid as a country and easy targets for terroist, I bet our enimies are smiling right now. so sad.

  8. kellie & courtney Says:

    U got that right W0W that is so sad. That some of the People in the path can git out of it and they chose not to mabey they want to git hurt or something if it was me I would git my things and i would have got out of there…People there i feel so so so..bad for them in some cases n-e way be cause they new they should have left and got out of there. I am praying for the people there because u have no idea how it is until you r in it your self and some of us just look at it like where gald it ant us but look at the people that are dieing. none of us could imagin what it would be like and we can help..i am helping by giveing money to the school for them to give it to the people to give food to the sick, homeless, and eveyone else.

  9. elton mabry Says:

    To the leaders of our great country. We can’t prepare for mother nature. But we can greatly improve on reponding its effects. Consider briding all that time and effort spent on Bioterrorism, highly consider improving our country’s internal response to natural disasters. To all that may read this, pray for those fellow Americans in the Gulf Port and please no need to piont fingers now.

  10. helane Says:

    How come it took 3-5 days to get help for the people ,but it only takes 1 day to send a man on the moon ,i saw news reports in and out with no poblem the president he got there in 1 day so what was the problem with getting the poeple what there need?i was so upset with i saw and how the babies cried out for help.

  11. JIM Says:

    i have never been so disgraced by the workings of the us government.the australians think the bush presidency has been a black spot on the butts of all americans.this meterological devistation and governmental inaction and treatment of the amrican
    peoples in the time of great hardship is drawing our closet allies further and further from us and alienating us from them.AUSTRALIA has been in every convlict and big decision with since their federation in 1901. USA HELP THE INDINESEANS FASTER AND WITH MORE THEN OUR OWN.
    FOR SHAME– kayoto has no teeth either.

  12. annalee Says:

    Disaster: 1.a sudden calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, or destruction; broadly : a sudden or great misfortune or failure. Mother nature brought the misfortune and our government brought the failure.

  13. Marcia Denison Says:

    Before any more harm can be done to our country and it’s people, we need to get bush out of office
    with roberts under one arm and rove under the other. The policy of genocide for corporate profits must be destroyed, if it means impeachinmg half of congress to do it, it must be done now!!! We will not tolerate living under nazi tyranny any longer. Take to the streets with protest signs and bullhorns! Demand the ouster of this stinking right arm pit regime! Down with bush! Down with bush! Down with bush!

  14. Crystal Says:

    I think that we shouldn’t bad mouth our country for sending help. I know that the Coast Guard was there helping as many people as they could. Instead of sitting on the computer here complaining what are you doing to help those who are in need? This is an incredible picture and very beautiful. It’s strange how something so beautiful can bring such horrible distruction. I just ask what will help if we get Bush out of the seat? Nothing, there isn’t a thing you can do about it, have you even thought about the good that he’s brought to your country? The man is doing the best he can, give him credit for that. You wouldn’t like to be put into the position that he is right now.

  15. Linda Says:

    Question is why weren’t all people evacuated ahead of time. City and state officials knew this was coming.

    Answer: economics.

    Costs tons of money to evacuate people who have no place to go and no way to get there (apart from those people who wouldn’t leave because they couldn’t take their animals or were too sick/weak etc – although measures should have been taken to provide for them).

    Officials bet that this hurricane would lose strength before it made landfall, they were wrong.

    Other question is where was the organized help – where was the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, the city emergency co-ordinator etc.

  16. Justice for Iraq Says:

    Well after the polluting that the US has been responsible for. After the killing, chaos, poverty caused in Iraq.

    God and mother nature have a strange way of levelling things up.

  17. Justice for Iraq Says:

    What difference is their between Iraqis and now the Americans in New Orleans. They are both homeless, no sanitation, no food or water, looting, robberies, rapes and general lawlessness.

    And now Bush has the nerve to ask Europe for help after the Iraq scandal. The French will be waiting for his call.

    Bush, put that in your pipe and smoke it you republican scum.

  18. Justice for Iraq Says:

    Maybe there would have been a quicker response if the hurricane it Texas.

  19. vicnuts Says:

    Annalee is right. Our government should’nt have most of our national guard somewhere else! No wonder were such an easy target for terrorists. What a dissapointment from such a powerfull country.

  20. Vicnuts Says:

    There is one reason why our government isn’t doing squat! President Bush’s little war in Iraq is effecting us at home a great deal. He has sent most of our national guard to Iraq or over seas somwhere and the only thing for protection or help for the south coast is our local police force.(Whats up with that!) Also the Gas prices. If the national guard were here, this situation could have been easily avoided. The evacuation in the south whould have been succesfull. And the cleanup job would have been done in days! Damn you BUSH!!

  21. luis1j Says:

    Holy $%#%^!!!!! Thats all i got to Say!

  22. brian Says:

    that looks really really fake,like computer generated or something

  23. randy Says:

    i’m agrie whith you it looks fake so fake
    but Nofx is there LOL

  24. Mary Says:

    We live in FL and are told each time a hurricane approaches that if we do not leave to prepare to be self-sufficient for 4-5 days – it will take that long to get help in – people MUST take personal responsibility – the government is not responsible for people’s lack of preparedness! My heart bleeds for the people who have lost everything and we have given and will continue to give to charities to help. FEMA is not a first responder – get over it!

  25. jack Says:

    People should be upset with their local and state government and then federal government

  26. Amanda ross Says:

    This hurrican was so bad i lost my 7th month pregnet cousin and her husband. I cried soooo much it was not funny. And I hope these people find there family members.

  27. Angela Says:

    As a nation, we should all pull together and not devide up and point fingers. God is sending a message and if no one is willing to listen, he will send another. PRAY, that is what everyone needs right now!

  28. Amy Says:

    Look here Jack, how dare you blame the innocent people of the city of New Orleans for not leaving. The only thing you got right was that the government didn’t do enough to prepare before the storm. I still blame the officials in charge for not ensuring that “those” people had the means to get out. Although it may not entirely be their fault for the financial situation brought upon them, nevertheless, that doesn’t mean that the help just shouldn’t come and they were forced, I mean housed, like cattle and left to their own demise in the Super Dome. We are able as a country to provide support to the middle east and rebuild their cities, but we can’t get to our own in more than five days in a manner that is prompt and effective. My prayers and support has been sent to all that have been dealt this horrible devastation and wish for a speedy in depth look into the situation.

  29. Penny S Says:

    My heart and prayers go out to everyone that has lost their loved ones and everything that Hurricane Katrina has taken from them. I feel if we had reacted faster and got to all those who’s life and loved ones were in danger by Katrina, we would have been able to help and save them. But no the Goverment just let them believe what Katrina was going to bring them was nothing to worry about till it was to late. I also don’t blame the ones that refused to leave that was their lifes and their loved ones and not being able to take their loving animals with them it brings tears to my eyes and hurt to my heart thats like killing their own children, but the goverment did it for them. I pray everyday for all of them. Now they have to say good-bye to everything they had and their loved ones and their loving animals,and I blame the goverment.

  30. robert tubear Says:

    i truly believe bush has done some good for the us .. but at the same time he has done wrong to the working man and to those who are on a fixed income and so has the state ..i live in florida and am currently on a fixed income ..i have been denied my meds i am supposed to have and given generic instead which really does no good .. as well as medical treatment..i can barely support my home in a good manner.. i have had 5 heart attacks and 2 major wrecks which were not my fault.. and now gas prices have gone sky high.. so if this next hurricane is a bad 1 im done for thanks to bush and the state of florida.. and yes i feel bush has dropped the ball big time on this one.

  31. Jen Says:

    I totally agree with Jack. With all the finacial aid available to kids to further their education, it’s only their parents fault that the next generation remained in poverty. We, as hard working people pay for them to live on welfare before and now we will pay for them to get a new place, new clothes, new furniture and so on. The looting is dispicable and they should be embarrassed. It’s always the people of color who pull the race card! The people I feel sorry for are the people who work for a living to have a vehicle or money to leave the area and now have no home to go home to! I don’t know why more people who feel the same don’t speak up! The President is not racist, he is just like us, a hard working man who pays his taxes and is sick of always taking care of poor lazy people who don’t want to do better for themselves and allow their children to remain in the system.

  32. noname Says:


  33. kim Says:

    In order to receive federal funds for natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina, the STATE Gov’t has to request it from the Federal gov’t. Nobody from Louisiana requested any aid until 3 days after the fact. Also, with so many of the roads and bridges washed out it makes it very difficult to get anything into or out of that city. People need to stop blaming the government for everything that goes wrong. We need to stand behind our President and our Government in the decisions that they make, the general Public does not always have all the information that the Gov’t Officials have.

  34. Bree Says:

    BUSH SUCKS!!! that’s the first thing i have to say second of all yes he is to blame he is the leader of this country and the hurricane hit monday and he couldn’t even come off of vacation until friday. He is supposed to help the state when they can’t do it and they did not have the resources for all of these ppl. No it is not the peoples fault some of them live below poverty level and didn’t even have the means to get out much less maybe they don’t have tv’s or radios ever thought about that?

  35. Bree Says:

    You are a coldhearted B**** Jen. All of those ppl are dying and missing there families i hope you lose your house and family and see how you feel.

  36. Jen Says:

    Dearest Bree….If I am such a cold hearted B****, then you must be uneducated and receiving some type of assistance. I said I feel bad for the people who lost their homes…I don’t feel sorry for the people who didn’t leave and blamed it on the govt’ for not sending them a ride! Why is it the govt’s responsibility to babysit them???? They wouldn’t come to my house to see if I needed a ride because I have a car, because I work for it to pay for it! Back in the times of “Little House on the Prairie”, there was government and elected officials and when disasters happened, did they ride their horses around to give everyone a ride? NO!!!!! PEOPLE TOO CARE OF THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!! EVEN IF THEY HAD TO WALK!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’d rather drown running from the water, then drown on the couch watching for a city bus!!!!!!!!

  37. Robert Says:

    holy shit that is big

  38. Robert Says:

    whut the fuck is all i can say

  39. Robin Says:

    It is one thing to experience this catostrophic strom and be left with nothing, but it is another thing to act like a human being with god giving sense and have an understanding that you are not the only one with a major crisis. knowing first hand here on the gulf coast of mississippi. thanks for all your prayers, it has been much appreciated!! god bless you all.

  40. Denni Says:

  41. pete doherty Says:

    my good god and to think people were in that, that is just bloody mahusssssssive

  42. elison Says:


  43. Sierra Says:

    omg i cant beleive how bad it looks! i mean it sounds bad but it looks worse i hope those people are ok. much love to all of them

  44. david boswell Says:

    Please don’t blame our current and modern federal
    agencies upon the disaster. The total blame should be place upon the earlier settlers who decided to build a city upon dangerous grounds.

  45. david boswell Says:

    Please don’t blame our current and modern federal
    agencies upon the disaster. The total blame should be place upon the earlier settlers who decided to build a city upon dangerous grounds.

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