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May 08

Job Swapping Priorities and a Macbook Pro

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Job Swapping Priorities

I had a conversation at JavaOne yesterday with a couple of chaps who had some interesting thought processes on taking a new job.

One of them had an offer from a company that he liked, that would have him changing location (which he wanted) but he was wondering if he should wait for WWDC and see if a new Macbook Pro comes out, and thus join afterwards getting the laptop. The thought of joining now, getting a current version, and then seeing a new one came out would be torture.

I sat and listened for quite some time before suggesting that if this was SO important to their package, that maybe they just tell the prospective employer and if they want them, they will probably buy the bugger a new laptop when it comes out.

Always funny to hear the priorities of the developer. Laptops, free t-shirts, and free food.

One Response to “Job Swapping Priorities and a Macbook Pro”

  1. dobby Says:


    Those guys have a serious luxury problem, where I live getting a job with fun work is hard enough, a nice laptop is the last of my concerns.

    I think there are a lot of very good programmers that are stuck in mind numbing enterprise programming jobs that would love
    an opportunity in some start up. There only problem is the location they live in.

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