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Feb 09

Interceptors in EJB 3. Finally.

EJB, Java, Tech Add comments

The 2nd Early Review Draft for EJB 3 has been released. Apart from changes such as splitting the doc into two (persistence + ‘other’), the main addition is the fact that EJB now has interceptors. Something that people have been wanting for a long time.

Currently the draft states support for Session and Message-Driven Beans, and the spec questions the need for support in Entity bean business methods.

The interceptor module is based on AroundInvoke methods:

public Object methodName(InvocationContext context) throws Exception

The InvocationContext has methods such as:





Map getContextData()


Good to see something like this making it into the spec. I will be even more excited about EJB 4.0 when it is an aspect based set of concerns ;)

Read more in the EJB 3.0 Docs

4 Responses to “Interceptors in EJB 3. Finally.”

  1. U dont wanna kno Says:

    But what actually is an Interceptor???

  2. U dont wanna kno Says:

    But what actually is an Interceptor???

  3. side effects of trimox Says:

    Big thank

  4. side effects of trimox Says:

    Big thank

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