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Feb 09

In-laws in paper over Ford Escape Hybrid SUV

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My in-laws just nabbed one of the first Ford Escape Hybrid SUVs. It is perfect for them, and then even got a right up in the paper this morning about it!

Paul Rock of Madison, who is more of a bicyclist than a car person and says he has “never had a cool car,” was drawing all kinds of looks from others drivers coming home this weekend from the Twin Cities. Rock and his wife Phyllis were in Minneapolis picking up one of the new Ford Escape Hybrid sport utility vehicles. The Escape is the first gasoline/electric hybrid vehicle from a Detroit automaker and the first hybrid SUV sold in the United States.

“I’m really thrilled,” Rock was saying Monday. “This is the first time I’ve been excited about getting a car.” Rock particularly enjoys being able to put his canoe – he enjoys paddling Wisconsin rivers – on top of the vehicle while the environmentalist in him enjoys the 400-500 miles he can drive on the 15 gallon tank.

Rock said he has not seen any other Escape Hybrids around Madison, and it was through a friendship with the Minneapolis dealer that he was able to get one of the much-in-demand vehicles. Sticker price: $29,450. They will be easy to spot, Rock said. The Escapes say “hybrid” on them three places. …

24 Responses to “In-laws in paper over Ford Escape Hybrid SUV”

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