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Oct 18

Installing WSAD. Are you kidding me?

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Unfortunately, I had to install WebSphere Eclipse (a.k.a. WSAD) again, today.

After going through a bizarre set of web pages on the IBM site you finally get to a download area. The choices are silly, but you end up having to download a crazy number of files.

E.g. via the Download Director you end up with IBMWSAppDev-5.0.0-Part1.exe to Part12 (”only” 1 to 9 are required ;)).

Then you have to manually extract at least 1 through 9, and finally you can run setup.exe.

I wonder what makes people think that this is a good idea instead of “Download this and run it”. IBM people?

One Response to “Installing WSAD. Are you kidding me?”

  1. alex Says:

    you are right,and wsad is so large that I don’t want to use it,my computer is not too good,I would like weblogic.Unfortunately,I must use it because of my work.

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