Groovy and ant on steroids Installing WSAD. Are you kidding me?
Oct 18

Can we please make the bloody build work!

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Jeremy Boynes of GlueCode / Apache Geronimo says:

To all those who have been making “improvements” to the build over the last month, can we please please get back to a situation where it works reliably, every time on Windows, Linux and OSX.

No magic, no mystical plugin downloads, no arcane sequences to rebuild, no patches to apply, simply:

* Clear instructions on building on a clean machine
* Clear instructions on rebuilding a working copy
* The ability to build online without taking hours



I am on the Geronimo lists, and have seen that 80% of the emails are about the damn build :)

If you were thinking of using Maven, being part of this list would REALLY freak you out about it! ;)


One Response to “Can we please make the bloody build work!”

  1. maps and legends Says:

    Even Apache gets the Build Blues

    It’s good to know that even the most touted open source developers break the build:To all those who have been making “improvements” to the build over the last month, can we please please get back to a situation where it works reliably, every time on Wi…

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