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Aug 05

Apache Geronimo: Apache Initiates open source J2EE project

EJB, Java, Open Source, Tech Add comments

Apache has created Apache Geronimo (for now), a J2EE implementation that they “promise” will run the TCKs from Sun! The most interesting part of this is who they have gotten involved in the project:

(the projects in parens are projects where they commit)

* Bruce Snyder (Castor JDO)
* Dain Sundstrom (JBoss)
* David Blevins (OpenEJB)
* David Jencks (JBoss)
* Geir Magnusson Jr. (Apache)
* Greg Wilkins (JBoss/Jetty)
* James Strachan (Apache)
* Jan Bartel (JBoss/Jetty)
* Jason Dillon (JBoss)
* Jeremy Boynes (JBoss)
* Jim Jagielski (Apache)
* Jules Golsnell (JBoss/Jetty)
* Richard Monson-Haefel (OpenEJB)
* Remigio Chirino (JBoss)
* Simone Bordet (mx4j)

That is one great list, and if they work on it, it must succeed right? Even if Apache is running it? (heh just kidding!).

It will be interesting to see how they package everything together (how they will use the other Apache projects… like Tomcat, James, etc).

I wish them all well, and look forward to a good J2EE implementation some time soon!

Go to the TSS thread that has the emails that have been sent out, which explain a LOT of the thought behind this.

What do you think? Comment here and at TSS!

One Response to “Apache Geronimo: Apache Initiates open source J2EE project”

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