Changing my view of Google Code via Greasemonkey FriendFeed and The River
Oct 14

Adding Facebook Photos to Wordpress

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I am finding that I use my mobile camera phone more often than ever. It is becoming a nice stream of what I am doing in the real world, and I upload a lot of the photos quickly to Facebook, which puts it in the Mobile Photos album automatically.

I thought it would be nice to supplement the activity stream plugin that sucks in my online life, to show the last photo from this stream.

I hunted around for a nice badge/widget that would do this for me, but there wasn’t really anything in the same vein of the Flickr ones. There are a few plugins that import photos though, such as FAlbum and Fotobook.

I ended up using Fotobook for its code, but tore it apart to give me just the simple widget for grabbing the most recent photo. I was hoping that it would grab new ones, but that didn’t seem to work, so I have cron helping out there.

This photo shows my trip to the local pumpkin patch with family and friends. Sam loved hunting around the patch.

Recent Mobile Photo

One Response to “Adding Facebook Photos to Wordpress”

  1. Sam Says:

    I liked Grandpa’s Pumpkin Patch at the San Antonio shopping center this year since the farm on Grant closed. Anna and a friend spent about an hour or more wandering around there along with bunnies, chicks, goats, a haunted house, 2 jump houses and hay rides (all free). The pumpkin’s were far more reasonable, we got out of there with a small and a large for $14 total.

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