Mar 24
I have had a lot of people ask me about various apps that I use on my MacBook (especially for switchers).
Ben and I keep a list up on tada that we use to inform eachother when we find something else. It isn’t exhaustive, but it has the meat of what we run. There is no real order here, and the apps that we live for (QuickSilver) are mixed with goofy things (Solitaire).
The current snap shot is below, but it is always changing. Are we missing anything major?
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Audacity (audio munging)
- The Gimp (Open Source Photoshop. GimpShop)
- iHook (Tag icons to any script/exe)
- Salling Clicker (Bluetooth phone interface)
- Fink
- Stuffit (for those that still send you .sit)
- Backup (Apple Backup System)
- Spam Sieve (Waiting to see if is good enough. not yet, but maybe with training)
- Transmit (Pay: Killer FTP client)
- Transmission (bittorrent)
- Remote Desktop Client (Microsoft baybee)
- Q (QEMU for all)
- Lingon (launchd front-end)
- Hallon (bookmark any element)
- NetNewsWire (Favourite RSS Reader)
- NewsFire (RSS reader)
- Mail Plugin: Mail Tags (Add tagging to Apple Mail)
- Broadband Tuner
- Paparazzi (Capture Webpage Screenshots)
- Growl (Event notification)
- Clutter (alternative interface to iTunes; downloads album artwork)
- Password Retriever (Password Database for BOTH OS X and Windows)
- Chicken of the VNC (my new favorite VNC client)
- YourSQL (New MySQL OSX client)
- CocoaMySQL (dated but nice MySQL front-end)
- Fugu (SCP Front End)
- Solitaire XL (nice eye candy)
March 24th, 2006 at 12:20 pm
Nice list!
If you like Clutter, you might want to try CoverFlow (
Desktop Manager doesn’t seem to be developed anymore. However Tony Arnold ( has picked up development on Virtue (an other OS virtual desktop for OS X based on desktop manager but with added niceties) and is releasing new versions very often. Virtue is now compatible with Intel Macs as well…
Path Finder from Cocoatech ( is a nice albeit not free Finder replacement.
Quicksilver rules of course! :)
March 25th, 2006 at 11:33 am
You are my hero. Been trying a bunch of desktop managers and they all aren’t working well for me on the mactel.
Virtue is quirky (moving apps to different windows is flaky) but in general it is working great for me. I am so happy to have a d.m. back :)
March 25th, 2006 at 5:51 pm
Just wanted to mention that SSHKeychain posted on Ta-Da list is still a PowerPC app. I built a Universal binary of SSHKeychain 7.2 out of the trunk:
Seems to be working fine on my Intel iMac.
March 30th, 2007 at 8:02 am
I can recommend to you BitROcket as a bittorrent clint. nice app.