Pair Programmers are People Too Air America Radio: Move over Rush
Mar 31

WebSphere 5 Classpath Hell

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Cameron has a lovely post showing WebSphere 5 classpath hell.

Doesn’t this make you cringe?

When I was at the AOSD conference last week IBM announced their support for AOP. In the announcement they discuss how WebSphere was a test-bed for this new technology. Some of the AspectJ guys were able to do some impressive things with WebSphere…. which I found quite amazing since I guessed that it had to be one of the biggest hogs out there.

I keep hearing “No, WebSphere is better in version “. Then a few months later I hear the same thing again, with a new version. It amazes me that some analysts claim that it has the market share that it does. Is it really just because they give away for free * with their hardware? Are people really getting it working? Is 5.0 really “OK now”? I hope I don’t have to find out!

One Response to “WebSphere 5 Classpath Hell”

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