Hitchhikers Guide Movie: The Office’s ‘Tim’ as Arthur Dent Cleaning up those velocity.log files
Mar 04

WebLogic Configuration finally nice and clean

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After complaining about the weblogic config mess that we had compared to some of the other servers, I got an amazing response on this blog.

Firstly, thanks a lot to Dave Landers & Mark Griffith of BEA, Mike Cico, and Vinny Carpenter.

We have ended up with a very simple solution:

- Our source control has the following files in it:

config.xml.TYPE (a version for the different types of config)

- Our build system enables us to build a new config based on this “fresh” info via “ant install-server-config”. It checks its own environment to know which version of the config.xml to copy over.

- Build the application: ant deploy

- startWebLogic: With one trusty start command the server is off to the races and running the app

That is it! Basically the same system that we have for other servers. It is nice to know that you really only need a few files (and not all of the lines in the config.xml either… we went through and brought that down to a small amount)

There are definitely other ways to skin this cat, but this did the trick nicely. Some other important options though (based on feedback):

- Silent Install: http://edocs.bea.com/platform/docs81/install/silent.html
- WL Ant Tasks: http://edocs.bea.com/wls/docs81/admin_ref/ant_tasks.html
- conf2admin tool that takes your config.xml and builds a script that can rebuild it: (http://ftpna2.bea.com/pub/downloads/conf2admin.zip

Cheers all,


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