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TOPLink Spring Integration

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The Spring and Oracle teams have put together Spring TOPLink integration.

This integration is similar to what you have with JDO, iBATIS, Hibernate, etc.


public class MyDAOImpl extends TopLinkDaoSupport implements DAOInterface
public Object doTopLinkOperation()
return getTopLinkTemplate().execute(

new TopLinkCallback() {
public Object doInTopLink(Session session) throws TopLinkException
// this Session is managed externally.
// It is "injected" by the currently referenced SessionFactory


public class MyDAOImpl extends TopLinkDaoSupport implements DAOInterface {
public Object doTopLinkOperation() {
return getTopLinkTemplate().findByNamedQuery("findMyself",Person.class,args);

Read more: What is the Spring TopLink Integration?

One Response to “TOPLink Spring Integration”

  1. Adeel Says:

    I am confuse with toplink support in Spring Framework . I am using toplink 11 version .We are using spring convenience methods .

    We are unable to update our records into database . Is there any problem with toplink 11 and Spring toplink libraries

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