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Jan 04

Top Gear: A show I miss

British, Personal, TV / Movie Add comments

There are only a few shows I miss from England. Just like everywhere, most content on TV in the UK is crap just like it is here.

There are some gems though. One that has come up a lot in the last couple of weeks is a classic: Top Gear.

I am not even an autophile yet still find it a great show, and would think that the US public would really enjoy it too, since they seem to be easily as into cars.


7 Responses to “Top Gear: A show I miss”

  1. DeWitt Clinton Says:

    I’m a huge Top Gear fan, too, even though I’m in the States. I just watch it on Google Video or You Tube, and I almost never miss an episode…

  2. Joe Walker Says:

    I wonder what America makes of Jeremy Clarkson’s view of anyone that isn’t British…

    Does this mean you’ve missed the story of Richard Hammond and the Dragster?

  3. uri Says:

    One of the best shows ever. Problem is, *most* americans just don’t get brit humour… which basically the no. 1 ingredient that makes this show a blast (btw, I’m not a big cars fan either :-)

  4. Nick Lothian Says:

    Bittorrent is your friend:

    BTW, looking forward to your comments on the Ashes this year…

  5. Vicosa Says:

    I wonder what America makes of Jeremy Clarkson’s view of anyone that isn’t British…
    Does this mean you’ve missed the story of Richard Hammond and the Dragster?

  6. replica handbags Says:

    amazing,thanks for sharing!!

  7. Stig Says:

    Can’t you watch it on BBC USA?

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