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Jan 31

TheServerSide now running on Tapestry/Kodo JDO

JDO, Java, ORM, Tech, Web Frameworks Add comments

TheServerSide communities are now running on Tapestry on the front end, and Kodo JDO for the data access.

We had known for awhile that it was ready for a change, and it was an interesting experience choosing what we wanted to port TSS over too.

There are many great web frameworks, and data solutions, but we definitely ended up happy with what we got.

The port was done in record time, in no part thanks to having Howard Lewis Ship on the team. If you are ever doing a Tapestry project, you owe it to yourself to bring him in for a bit. Not only does he obviously know Tapestry inside and out, but he is just a top class developer which great ideas!

Looking at the before and after version of TheServerSide is very interesting. Now TSS has a great, component-based version which is easy to extend. Before, it was always a fight to change / add anything.

It also doesn’t hurt that the site is faster and more stable than ever before. Kodo JDO has been top notch on that scale, and it has the solid Tangosol Coherence under the scenes as the distributed cluster technology.

Read more: How TSS Converted to Tapestry

2 Responses to “TheServerSide now running on Tapestry/Kodo JDO”

  1. skin care schools Says:

    big thank

  2. skin care schools Says:

    big thank

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