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Feb 05

Tapestry, JSF and FUD

Tech, Web Frameworks Add comments

Rick Hightower has released the first of a series of article on JSF, named JSF for nonbelievers: Clearing the FUD about JSF, which was jumped on heavily with discussion at TheServerSide.

I think that there is some FUD surrounding JSF. I think there was a lot of HYPE surrounding it at first. I am a little schizophrenic about the entire technology. Some days I think it is good to have the standard, other days I curse at the unnecessary complexity.

Howard has written a really thought out entry himself: Tapestry, JSF and FUD.

I think he is spot on with many of his observations. I also wish that in a fantasy land, Tapestry 4.0 would be here which would consist of: Tapestry 3.1 + other items learned from JSF + other items learned from Rails + annotations. Oh, and the vendors would support it with lots of cool plugins and hype ;)

Or something.

2 Responses to “Tapestry, JSF and FUD”

  1. Rick Hightower Says:

    I like Tapestry as well. In my fantasy land Howard is hired by IBM or Sun and forced to make JSF more like Tapestry so we have the best of both worlds.

    Then IBM realizes the need for Groovy and hires James full time.

    Then Trails works with the new Tapestry/JSF/Groovy combination, and the RoR crowd all gets jealous and comes back to the Java fold.


  2. Rick Hightower Says:

    I like Tapestry as well. In my fantasy land Howard is hired by IBM or Sun and forced to make JSF more like Tapestry so we have the best of both worlds.

    Then IBM realizes the need for Groovy and hires James full time.

    Then Trails works with the new Tapestry/JSF/Groovy combination, and the RoR crowd all gets jealous and comes back to the Java fold.


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