Mar 01

Firefox 3 Proto Interface for Mac

Tech with tags: , , , 4 Comments »

Firefox 3 Proto Interface for Mac

In general I think the new Firefox 3 Mac interface “Proto” is nicer. I keep seeing new versions come along, but they are all wonky for me, and I think it is due to my 1Password icon. The favicon.ico is always in the wrong place (as above).

I do think that that the buttons and elements are too big and roundy. I prefer the simpler Safari layout, and it doesn’t use as much room before the URL bar itself. It seems that people like to go crazy over these interface changes “waaaaah I liked it how it was!” but I am glad that they are playing with things…. and with Aza, I hope we see more ;)

Nov 06

“Firebug can make Gmail slow”

Tech, Web Browsing with tags: , , , 5 Comments »

Man I love Firebug. How can you do web development without it? Unfortunately it does seem to slow down my general browsing experience now and then. Even when I have it disabled I see Firefox sucking down more memory, and taking longer to open new tabs and the like.

When I went to my Gmail account today I saw:

Gmail Firebug

Which links too Firebug can make Gmail slow:

If you’re using a Mac

Please note that if you’re using a Mac, you’ll continue to experience performance problems unless you disable Firebug for Gmail. To disable Firebug for, please follow the steps below:

  1. Click the green or red icon in the bottom right corner of the browser window to open Firebug.
  2. Click the bug icon in the top left corner of Firebug and select ‘Disable Firebug for’

If disabling Firebug for Gmail doesn’t improve performance results, you may have to entirely disable Firebug.

On Windows and Linux it suggests to turn off XHR logging (Firebug puts in a proxy XHR object to do all of the work). I wish that I could load up an instance of FF with it on, and one with it off…. I need to look into profiles again.
