Nov 30

So happy to see a Erik Thauvin post

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Erik Thauvin’s link blog was huge back when I was doing TheServerSide. If you read both the TSS feed and Erik’s you were pretty sure that you were getting a look at most of the interesting content in the Java, and Enterprise Java communities.

I had huge respect for him, and it was sad to see his link blog die out as he got interested in other aspects of life. I can’t blame him. I also moved on from the world of Enterprise Java and got into other technologies and interests. Ajaxian was born to fill my “I love working with communities” itch.

Erik was developing top notch mobile applications and as soon as I launched devphone I knew I had to reach out to him.

So, I can’t tell you how excited I am to see this at the bottom of a post on how Google Maps Mobile works:

devphone 11/30/07 11:00 PM erik Java Networks Windows Mobile

Welcome, Erik. Who know where the ride will lead, but whatever happens, I am honoured to have some fun with you along the way :)
