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Jan 24

Spring AOP using AspectJ 5

AOP, Tech Add comments

Now AspectJ 5 has been announced, it seems to me a bit of a no-brainer for Spring to have full on support for the more advanced point-cuts of AspectJ/AspectWerkz.

There has been various integration in the past, and I am sure there will be more in the future.

To start with, Alex (of AspectWerkz/AspectJ 5) has written a new AspectWerkzPointcutAdvisor.

So, take a look at before:

<bean id="theMethodExecutionGetTargetAndArgsAroundAdvisor1"
<property name="advice">
<ref local="theMethodExecutionGetTargetAndArgsAroundAdvice"/>
<property name="pattern">

and now see how you can use the expressive pointcuts:

<bean id="theMethodExecutionAfterThrowingAdvisor"
<property name="advice">
<ref local="theMethodExecutionAfterThrowingAdvice"/>
<property name="expression">
<value>execution(* *..*.afterThrowingRTE(..))</value>

In fact, my guess is that, as time goes on and more people get into the power of AOP… the standard Spring AOP will be displaced by the more powerful Spring-AspectJ style.

However, Spring AOP has its uses, and it is great that you can chop and change so easily with Spring!

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