FriendFeed and The River Leopard: October 26th. The apps are coming
Oct 15

Ruby support in IntelliJ 7

IDE, Java, Ruby, Tech Add comments

IntelliJ 7 has now shipped and I am most excited to see the non-Java support. If you take a peak at the Ruby features, it looks pretty good and thorough:

  • Smart, scope based JRuby-aware Ruby code completion
  • Automatic completion of built-in methods
  • Smart Ruby statements completion
  • Completion and automatic resolution in require and load calls
  • Ruby code syntax and error highlighting, with brace matching and folding
  • Code style support with automatic formatting, indentation and TODO marks
  • On-the-fly Ruby code analysis with quick-fixes
  • JRuby and Ruby-aware intention actions
  • Advanced Ruby code and project navigation
  • Ruby-aware structure view, quick structure popup
  • Go to Ruby class, file, symbol and declaration actions
  • Quick declaration view, context and method parameter info
  • Quick overriding of classes, modules and methods with active navigation gutters
  • Multiple ruby-aware refactorings
  • Ruby code usage search for local variables, method parameters, class fields and constants
  • Dedicated Ruby run configuration and quick script execution
  • JRuby support for running Ruby applications, with cross-resolution of classes between Ruby and Java
  • Unit testing support with quick tests launching for a specified method, class or set of tests
  • Stack trace analysis with one-click Ruby code navigation
  • Ruby code documentation lookup with hyperlinks and navigation
  • More than 50 Ruby and RSpec live templates
  • Shortcuts settings for rake tasks, generators, RSpec, etc

I like Textmate and all, but it is far from being IntelliJ. Textmate is fast, clean, and simple. IntelliJ is smart. Netbeans has done a great job with Ruby support, and it is fantastic to see IntelliJ put its hat in the ring. I am looking forward to putting it through its paces. As much as I like IntelliJ, I have to admit that sometimes I wish that I still have version 3 around…. which was lean and mean. Hopefully the performance improvements are real in v7.

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