AspectJ, “dynamic” pointcuts, and Spring. A great combination Using AspectJ and the AOP Alliance
May 13

Refactoring and IDEA are my friend

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I had a major refactoring project to do this week. Everything was tightly coupled, so the changes propogated through the code, view (JSPs and the like), xml config, and scripts.

Thanks to IntelliJ IDEA 4, it took care of the grunt work for me. I couldn’t believe that it really just worked :)

I spent more time trying to get CVS happy again as everything was moved around….. than on the refactoring itself.

I enjoy having the “Freedom” that you have when using a tool like this. It is nice to feel Agile ;)

One Response to “Refactoring and IDEA are my friend”

  1. Dion Says:

    testing with no url

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