Future of AOP 2005: Jonas Boner and Adrian Colyer move on! Speaking to your applications via Jabber
Sep 07

Putting configuration in annotations doesn’t mean “no configuration!”

Web Frameworks Add comments

I read Matt’s posting on a new web framework called Stripes that is trying to make Java web dev simpler (aren’t they all these days? :).

What jumped out at me immediately is that the framework claims to have less configuration. Great.

Then you see the Quick Start Guide and see:

public class CalculatorActionBean implements ActionBean {

I don’t know about you, but that smells of configuration to me.

It is just HARD CODED in my Java source file, instead of in an EVIL XML configuration file :)

Rails’ convention over configuration builds the URL for you based on its own defaults, or your rules. Then you don’t have to put in any configuration…. else you get explicit.

Not that annotations are evil too…. just not a True Saviour to put all configuration into. Some of the annotation usage in Stripes is very nice.

One Response to “Putting configuration in annotations doesn’t mean “no configuration!””

  1. Siddharth Says:

    Where can I get the Database configuration in Stripes framework?

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