The bug is your fault. Bilingual Politics
Sep 04

Printing from Mac OS X to a Windows Shared Printer

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Ok, ok. So life isn’t ALWAYS easy when you are working on a Mac. I had to get my laptop to print to a Windows shared printer, and it was a bit of a pain. If a “normal Joe User” had to do this, they would go nuts!

Luckily for those who grok computers, it isn’t too bad. Partly thanks to William White, and his great resource: Printing to Windows from MAC OSX 10.2 (Jaguar) using CUPS and SAMBA, and more.

It is kinda frustrating that Apple broke the SMB system in 10.2.5, and on. So you have to go back and install an “old version”. You also need to do a lot of other “stuff” to get it all to work. Again, easy for us, but my mum would shut down her computer if she saw it :)

After I had everything ready to go, I was getting some weird errors connecting to the network. This wasn’t a Mac issue, but SMB was freaking out when doing a name resolution, and was somehow trying to connect to a NIC on the master that wasn’t being used. After unchecking Windows File Sharing from that NIC everything worked like a charm.

So now I can go back to loving my Mac again :)

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