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Aug 11

PostgreSQL 8.0

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I am a big fan of PostgreSQL. One of the pain points, however, is using it on Windows. You can try to build the damn thing with cygwin installed (which is painful), or you can download an old build for use.

Native Windows support was going to be in 7.4, but got pushed out to 8.0. Now we see the beginings of the labours:

After almost 9 months of development, the PostgreSQL Global Development Group is proud to announce that development on PostgreSQL 8.0.0 has now finished, and is ready for some serious testing.

For those wondering about the 8.0.0 designation on this release, there have been several *very* large features included in this release that we felt warranted the jump. As with all of our releases, we aim to have this one as rock solid as possible, but *at least* one of the features added to this release involved such changes that may warrant a bit extra testing post-release before deploying it in production.

Although the list of new features in 8.0.0 is extensive, with both SMB (Win32 Native Support) and Enterprise (Nested Transactions and Point in
Time Recory) features being added, there is one thing that hasn’t been included as part of the core distribution, and that is a Windows Installer, which can be found at:


For a complete list of changes/improvements since 7.4.0 was released, please see:


That said, and without further ado, Beta 1 is currently available for download on all mirrors (look under source/v8.0.0beta):


And, thanks to David Fetter, the Beta is also available via BitTorrent at:


2 Responses to “PostgreSQL 8.0”

  1. Raible Designs ~ We Build Web Apps Says:

    PostgreSQL 8 with AppFuse

    I agree with Dion that PostgreSQL is a good database. Thanks to his post , I found the new Windows installer for 8.0. Using it, I was able to quickly setup a database for AppFuse, change my database settings in build.properties and run “ant test-all”

  2. care cream skin Says:

    big thank

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