The Seventh Antual ICFP Programming Contest Revenge of the “Enterprise Architect”
Sep 22

People taking photos of my house…

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Maybe I am paranoid since the virus is still in me, making me barely able to speak (I think my wife likes that).

However, when I have been concious, I have seen 5 cars driving down my road… stop… and take a photo of my house.

I wonder if Dubya Bush has read my blog and has put me on his list?

3 Responses to “People taking photos of my house…”

  1. Cedric Says:

    Nah, don’t worry, they work for me.

  2. Bruce Snyder Says:

    Dion, are you hanging around with Cat Stevens (aka Yusuf Islam) again? (using a scrutinizing, one-eyed, looking-down-my-nose, Donald Rumsfeld type of look). ;-)

  3. Cameron Says:

    It’s just tourist season ..

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