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Feb 01

Natural Selection in Open Source

Open Source, Tech Add comments

I have been re-reading The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. Not only does it remind you how obvious natural selection is, but it got me thinking about the selection process that we have in I.T.

It is interesting to look at the various communitees that we have, and how either the corporations tweak the model of natural selection (or something egos in the communitees themselves).

I wrote about a couple of examples in:

Natural Selection in Open Source

2 Responses to “Natural Selection in Open Source”

  1. Furious Purpose Says:

    Sales Pitches: Open Source and Commercial

    A month or two ago, someone commented that developers respond
    in very different ways to news postings or seminars that amount
    to thinly-veiled sales pitches for products when those products
    are commercial vs. open source. (I believe that comme

  2. Furious Purpose Says:

    Sales Pitches: Open Source and Commercial

    A month or two ago, someone commented that developers respond
    in very different ways to news postings or seminars that amount
    to thinly-veiled sales pitches for products when those products
    are commercial vs. open source. (I believe that comme