Enterprise Mashups || JSEE Faith, Evolution, and Programming Languages
May 02

Napkin Look and Feel

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If you want to get rid of the fancy look and feels and go for a back of the napkin look, you can:


4 Responses to “Napkin Look and Feel”

  1. Craig Cottingham Says:

    I assume you’re talking about http://napkinlaf.sourceforge.net/ ?

  2. zproxy Says:

    Yea, this looks fun:)

    Now only if we could draw a screenshot by hand, scan it and let the computer figure out what is on it:)

  3. Howard M. Lewis Ship Says:

    I’m pretty sure this is an L&F for Flex/Apollo inspired by the Swing implementation a couple of years back.

  4. James Ward Says:

    The original blog is here:

    And the app is here:

    There are a bunch of other cool Flex skins at:


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