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Oct 27

mmmzr: cheap money

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When the million dollar homepage came out I couldn’t believe that it actually worked. A dollar per pixel. It reached a tipping point so people bought them.

It seems that the next version is a touch smarter even.

mmmzr is a pyramid scheme where you advertise on the page, and the next person to do so pays you back. If that happens again you can make even more.

These always make me feel a bit sick in the stomach as they aren’t producing anything, and also because “why didn’t I think of that” ;)


9 Responses to “mmmzr: cheap money”

  1. Sam Says:

    I can’t believe my face show up on your blog. LoLz

  2. Nico Says:

    The site gave me quite some traffic thru my $4 button, but it is slowing down now. Still I doubled my money so I can’t complain…

  3. Nick Says:

    I think it is a great idea, but the price, at $4,000 or $8,000 a piece is too high for me. I found Cash Columns (, which offers the exact same thing at a lower price. I invested and I got everything it offers, and I plan to reinvest very soon.

  4. Jill Says:

    Cash columns looks a bit naff – I personally prefer – much more chance of decent traffic

  5. Ryna Says:

    I find – It not that pretty but I think it work better than mmmzr

  6. mikey bergman Says:

    today is the grand opening of

    it is a tweaking of the original idea based on the fibonacci sequence(phi) instead of doubling which keeps the prices from getting so high so quickly and you can triple your money instead of doubling


  7. Rob Says:

    The internets first cell based lottery game and advertising platform!

  8. Rob Says:

    Another cool internet advertising game. The more people buy the more people win!

  9. Says:

    Yeah i found a site a lot like mmmzr, but a lot cheaper. Same ol thing but a lot less money. I got a ton of traffic using it and the ad space is still real cheap.

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