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Aug 17

Migrating from gmail.com to a hosted Google Apps account

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I had a nightmare recently. Some bugger from China got into a shared machine that almaer.com is hosted on. It has been a royal pain in the backside and finally kicked me enough to outsource as much as possible.

I started by setting up Google Apps which meant changing my DNS to point mail.almaer.com (and start, calendar, docs, …) to the Google domain.

I then setup all of the accounts that I needed, and generally played with the admin side of Google Apps.

The one thing that I was bummed out about was the lack of a nice migration path for my old email, filters, etc. It was easy to migrate some items such as contacts however.

Then, a kind soul pointed me to gXFER, a free tool by LimitNone that migrates email, filters, contacts, calendars, and more. It does lack Google Docs and some other items (e.g. Google Reader stuff) but it does a lot of the heavy lifting.

What was particularly interesting was that the application was just a gadget! When you get into the details you see that it is doing things like sharing calendars from an old to a new, opening up pop3 on one side and sucking it over from the new one, so it is a little sneaky.


2 Responses to “Migrating from gmail.com to a hosted Google Apps account”

  1. simon Says:

    the link above doesn’t appear to work any longer. any ideas? is this still the best tool to use to migrate from a ‘personal’ gmail account to a hosted-domain gmail account

  2. moff Says:

    looks like the app’s been discontinued

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