Would you like using() in Java? Pat Helland – Sings Bye Bye to Mr CIO Guy
Jul 08

Microsoft view of JavaOne

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Eric Gunnerson was in the same position that I was in when I went to Microsoft TechEd a month ago. It was my first time at a Microsoft conference, and I was actually impressed.

Eric seems to be impressed with some parts of JavaOne too, including the community aspect that Java has (which is of course a double edged sword).

It is especially interesting to read about his thoughts on Groovy and AOP.

Groovy is a new scripting language (well, they call it an

4 Responses to “Microsoft view of JavaOne”

  1. Jason Carreira Says:

    Operator overloading? Is that really in there? My interest in Groovy keeps going down as I hear more about it…

  2. James Strachan Says:

    >> I didn’t see a lot of evidence of rigor in the language design.

    And this is from a guy who writes perl – LOL! :)

  3. James Strachan Says:

    >> Operator overloading? Is that really in there? My interest in Groovy keeps going down as I hear more about it…

    Relax Jason – operator overloading can be used for good :)

    We use a limited form of operator overloading to allow, for example, the [] subscript operator to be used with Maps, Lists, Strings and ResultSets to implement polymorphic index lookup just like Java supports with the Array types.

    i.e. we allow you to perform index operations just like you can in python & ruby.

    Did you know that both Ruby and Python both implement operator overloading for such things as the [] notation? We’re just reusing good established practice.

  4. John Says:

    I would like to here more about your thoughts of JavaOne

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