TechCrunch loves Memeorandum, which:
“is changing my reading behavior, but it is also changing my writing behavior. It is much easier for me to find and read everything that is being written about a topic (Memeorandum also includes links to the real time search engines for additional material). I find that I am more educated on the topics I write about, and am writing more often about things the web feels are important at the time.”
It is a good tool for sure.
I have organically created a process for reading blogs these days.
My head has a weird counter in my head that contains levels of blogs. Level 1 blogs are checked every few hours, level 2 once a day, etc etc.
The blogs change level every now and then, and new ones are always entering.
It is due to this that the river of content doesn’t quite work for me.
I would love to be able to keep an accurate rating of blogs and topics, and have a reader view that takes this into account.
October 13th, 2005 at 10:00 pm
what blog reader are you using these days?