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Mar 01

Meet Lucene via Erik Hatcher

Java, Open Source, Search, Tech Add comments

Erik Hatcher has published a Meet Lucene online presentation (slides + audio).

The presentation is a nice introduction to Lucene. There are still a lot of people out there who do not know about this open source gem, and if you haven’t had a chance to check it out, watch this.

One of the best reasons to watch it, is that you learn what Lucene IS and ISN’T. I still find that people assume it is a web crawler, rather than a search API.

One Response to “Meet Lucene via Erik Hatcher”

  1. ravi Says:

    i am new to lucene .. i wanna implement a search engine using lucene for my university… i am in search of some materials for lucene… am speciialy findin for Lucene in Action pdfs …
    Could u help me out.
    Thsnk You

    PS: please reply to me on my mail

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