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Mar 16

Latent typing, micro-interfaces, and Groovy

Groovy, Tech Add comments

Laszlo has written up some interesting thoughts on latent typing and micro-interfaces.

The dynamic vs. static debate is as eternal as vi vs. emacs (wait, or is it now IDEA vs. Eclipse), Microsoft vs. The Rest, ….

I find myself jumping around a lot between languages that enforce static types, and dynamic. When in one, I find times that I miss the other. Sometimes I *want* a strict interface, sometimes I want a looser one.

This is yet another reason why I like what I see with Groovy, as well as many other new languages. I can pick and choose, depending what I am doing. This is the way forward for me.

So it is good news that the Groovy language has been submitted as JSR 241. It will be quite an experiment to see a new language standardized via the JCP. There are many questions that people are asking: Is it too early for Groovy? Doesn’t it need to mature more? Will the JCP slow it to a crawl? Time will tell :)

Good luck James, RMH, and everyone involved.

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