Learning from agile languages Microsoft: Playing for the Java developers
Jun 07

Keeping in sync with Eclipse. What a mare.

IDE, Java, Tech Add comments

Eclipse is a great product, don’t get me wrong. But I have such a tough time keeping things in sync.

It means that:

a) I have multiple versions of Eclipse
b) I keep spending time “trying” to see if the latest plugin works on the latest Eclipse version

Then, add the fact that eclipse plugin X has a dependency on plugin Y and you soon are driven nuts :)

I am really glad that 3.0 is in RC1 and that the API shouldn’t be changing, so hopefully the plugin writers have time to catch up and I can just use 3.0 :)

Until then, I will keep using IDEA unless I need to do AspectJ (in which I use AJDT), Tapestry (Spindle, or the cool Eclipse profiler plugin, …

44 Responses to “Keeping in sync with Eclipse. What a mare.”

  1. Dion Says:

    This doesn’t work when you get the the point that the plugin versions no longer work with the 2.x branch of Eclipse. Then you need to jump into the world of 3, and the milestones.

  2. Dion Says:


    I can’t wait. Spindle is fantastic :)

    Thanks for the great work.


  3. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  4. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  5. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  6. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  7. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  8. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  9. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  10. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  11. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  12. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  13. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  14. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  15. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  16. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  17. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  18. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  19. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  20. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  21. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  22. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  23. billie Says:

    A very nice website !! Very well Done !!! notem6715

  24. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  25. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  26. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  27. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  28. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  29. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  30. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  31. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  32. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  33. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  34. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  35. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  36. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  37. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  38. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  39. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  40. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  41. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  42. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  43. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

  44. calvin Says:

    It looks like you really had a nice time. notem6715

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