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Jun 10

JRuby 1.0: Congrats to the team

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A 1.0 release is a major decision, and you can do it too soon, or too late.

I am glad that we are at JRuby 1.0, and that the team has some exciting things for the future.

So I’ll do a little recap here. JRuby 1.0 was focused almost entirely on one goal: Ruby 1.8.x compatibility. To that end, we are now the only alternative Ruby implementation that can reasonably claim we’re “compatible”. It’s no longer a question of whether we can run Ruby applications or not…we’ve proven that again and again. The issues people run into now are those requiring minor behavioral tweaks, minor parser tweaks, and occasionally exploration of some peculiar threading or memory concerns. It’s been a long time coming, but the compatibility issue is largely answered.

I want to update my “Ruby in a Browser” to have a lean jruby 1.0 jar that works, and also show how it works with RJS which I have played with. I have also had some interesting emails, most recently from a Harvard Extension teacher combining it with Slidy to have code embedded in his slides. And there is always the potential birth of ThickR ;)

One Response to “JRuby 1.0: Congrats to the team”

  1. replicahandbags Says:

    i’ll be looking for JRudy on google,thanks

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