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Aug 06

JDK 1.5: Arrays.asList(”Rod”, “James”, “Chris”)

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J Yu pointed out that, thanks to JDK 1.5, generics, and varargs, we now have a really nice way to simply create a List of stuff:


List list = new java.util.ArrayList();

list.add( “Rod” ); list.add( “James” ); list.add( “Chris” );


List list = Arrays.asList(”Rod”, “James”, “Chris”);

or, with generics:

List list = Arrays.asList(”Rod”, “James”, “Chris”);

Arrays.asList(..) was always around, but it changed from:

public static List asList(Object a)

to the nicer, if more cryptic:

public static <T> List<T> asList(T… a)

4 Responses to “JDK 1.5: Arrays.asList(”Rod”, “James”, “Chris”)”

  1. Doug Says:

    Or maybe:

    List<String> list = Arrays.asList<String>(”Rod”, “James”, “Chris”);

    I hope I got that right… haven’t messed with generic functions in 1.5, and I don’t have 1.5 at hand to try it out :-)

    And yes, I still call it “1.5″.

  2. Euxx Says:

    There is still a lot to learn about java.util package.

    Dion is copying a collection example from James Groovy presentation:

    List list = new java.util.ArrayList();
    list.add( “Rod” ); list.add( “James” ); list.add( “Chris” );

    In the contexts where James used it it is probably does not matters

  3. Dion Says:

    That is freaking out for me on 1.5 (build 1.5.0-beta-b32c).

    It is happy with:

    List list = Arrays.asList(new String[] {”Rod”, “James”, “Chris”});

    but some reason it isn’t liking the varargs case.

    AsListTest.java:10: asList(T[]) in java.util.Arrays cannot be applied to (jav
    a.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String); no instance(s) of type variabl
    e(s) T exist so that argument type java.lang.String conforms to formal parameter
    type T[]
    List list = Arrays.asList(”Rod”, “James”, “Chris”);


  4. Dion Says:

    I had my JAVA_HOME pointing to the first beta (duh). It works like a charm on beta2.


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