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Sep 12

JavaZone: Heavy Metal with your Java at 8am

Conference, Java, Tech Add comments

Ben and I are talking Ajax at JavaZone in Norway. The jetlag hasn’t been much of an issue this time around thanks to a bit of a doze on the flight (after watching the slightly painful Mr. Bean).

I did enjoy seeing Ben’s face as he opened the door to his hotel room, which is definitely euro-style (read: absolutely tiny). You couldn’t lay down across the room.

Oslo is a beautiful town, and I hope that we get to see some of it. Last night was the speaker dinner, and some of the usual suspects were there.

This morning though, the conference started with a jolt. I have never been to a conference (Java or other) that had a cover band to a “famous” German heavy metal group playing. At 8am. Screaming BITTEEEE. You also had to enter the conference arena via a space shuttle. This show is definitely similar to JavaPolis in many ways. You can tell that the conference committee has a lot of fun with it and the show is huge. I think these beat JavaOne hands down.

I couldn’t help but take a little video:

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