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Feb 16

In Minneapolis, chatting about relational theory

Java, Tech Add comments

I had a good time tonite speaking at the Twin Cities Java User Group. Man it is cold here at the moment. As I drove in to Minneapolis, I was just behind a huge jack knifing accident. It was kinda scary to see the truck swipe two cars aside :( Luckily all were ok.

I had a really interesting conversation with someone after the JUG, in which we chatted about the relational mismatch. This kind chap was laughing at the whole heirarchical XML thing that we are in now:

Didn’t we try heirachical and move on to relational?

He really want to have relational operators baked into the languages of today. I think he will enjoy looking at Comega :)

3 Responses to “In Minneapolis, chatting about relational theory”

  1. FelicityFendi Says:

    Check Fabian Pascal’s articles at: http://www.dbdebunk.com

  2. Lance Lavandowska Says:

    Hi Dion, sorry I couldn’t make it last night (I was looking forward to meeting you). Unfortunately Wednesdays aren’t good for due to family scheduling.

    Let us all know when you’re going to be in Mpls again, please. Sorry for the cold, I’ll try to do something about that.

  3. fungus home toenail treatment Says:

    subj to arouse interest

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