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Feb 29

In memory JSPC with WLS 8

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We run a whole bunch of app servers in the TSS cluster (WLS, Oracle, Novell exteNd, SunONE) and it has been interesting to see differences between the servers.

One of the painful aspects of watching WLS startup is that it took a lifetime to compile our JSPs. This was due to the fact that it would spawn off a process to javac.

I was happy to see that as we upgraded to WLS 8.1sp2, the compile speed was the same as Oracle. It looked like they had supported in memory compilation. A quick look in the docs, and yeah they have! Thanks BEA! You have saved valuable seconds everytime I restart the server :)

The docs are incorrect though. In e-docs they show “sun.tools.javac.Main” instead of “com.sun.tools.javac.Main”, so it should read:

The in memory compilerclass option uses the compiler class used by Sun to internally compile Java files. This does not require creating a new process and thus is more efficient than compiling each Java file separately using a new process.

The compilerclass can be used by adding the following to weblogic.xml:


and why is it compilerclass not compilerClass (as the other params are camel case)?

2 Responses to “In memory JSPC with WLS 8”

  1. Electronic Thumb Says:

    WebLogic 8.1 now sporting faster jsp pre-compilation

    It looks like WebLogic 8.1 now supports in memory precompilation of JSPs. At least in service pack 2, anyway. This is great news for our systems at work. The newest product we released is already running on WebLogic 8.1 (of…

  2. chanel replica handbags Says:

    thanks for your sharing.thanks again!

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