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Jul 14

HP’s Alan Kay: His thoughts on computing and programming

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I enjoyed reading the article on Fortune: A PC Pioneer Decries the State of Computing (I found it thanks to Ted Leung).

Although that article itself was interesting, I found the report on Kay’s ETech tour even more so:

Lisa Rein’s Tour Of Alan Kay’s Etech 2003 Presentation

He has interesting ideas on late binding. Too many people think that static typing saves them, when it is living a lie:

Most software is made by programmers creating text files that are fed to a compiler and loader which makes a runable program. One can tell how early- or late-bound a system is by looking at the things that can be changed while the program is running. For example, it is generally true of C based systems that most changes in the program have to be done by going back to the text files, changing them, and recompiling and loading them. This is even true of Java. Organizationally, this often leads to at most one or two system builds a day before most bugs can be found.

A late-bound system like LISP or Smalltalk can change pretty much everything while it is running — in fact, both these systems are so good at this that their development systems are written in themselves and are active during runtime. For example, a program change in Smalltalk takes less than a second to take effect, thus many more bugs can be run down and fixed.

But late-bound has some deeper and more profound properties that include abilities to actually change the both the structure and metastructure of the language itself. Thus an important new idea can be assimilated into the constantly evolving process that is the system.

Another aspect of late-binding is the ability to change one’s mind about already instantiated structures that are already doing work. These can be changed automatically on the fly without harming the work they are already doing.

Etc. Wheels within wheels.

These ideas are not new, but they are quite foreign and out of the scope of the way most programming is done today. — Alan Kay.

Thanks Alan.

One Response to “HP’s Alan Kay: His thoughts on computing and programming”

  1. James Strachan Says:

    This sounds more like an IDE feature than a static versus dynamically typed language feature. e.g. Eclipse with Java code can handle changing of the code while you’re debugging through it. Similarly, just like smalltalk, eclipse auto-compiles as you edit code so things are always live & available.

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